Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Our SE Calgary Dental Team

At Deer Valley Dental Care, we are a diverse, professional dental team that is proud to provide dental care and support to our South East (SE) Calgary patients.

Clinical Team

Dental Assistants

Elaine, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Elaine

Position: Registered Dental Assistant, Assistant to Dr Ali

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 1995

Service Philosophy: I feel like I can help patients best when I can share my 25 years professional and personal experience.

Personal Interests: I like to travel, hike , camp, outdoor stuff, play the piano.

Melissa, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Melissa

Position: Registered Dental Assistant, Assistant to Dr. Ali

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2011

Service Philosophy: They show up in fear and leave wanting a hug with a smile on their face!!! Most people have terrible experiences as a child and I love showing them how far and less uncomfortable dentistry has become.

Personal Interests: I am a soccer mom, love to paint , and watch movies with my boys. I have been with the love of my life for 17 years , he’s my high school sweetheart.

Trudi, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Trudi

Position: Registered Dental Assistant, Assistant to Dr. Mor

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2011

Service Philosophy: To provide compassionate care.

Personal Interests: Dirt bikes!

Hayley, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Hayley

Position: Registered Dental Assistant, Assistant to Dr. Dhanji

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2015

Service Philosophy: Give the patient the best possible care that they need and make their visit a comfortable and satisfying one.

Personal Interests: I enjoy playing musical instruments with my family. I love outdoor activities like hiking, biking, fishing and boating.

Oksana, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Oksana

Position: Registered Dental Assistant for Dr. Moussa

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2011

Service Philosophy: I feel like I can help patients best when I am happy and rested.

Personal Interests: In my free time I enjoy practicing yoga. I have an active lifestyle. With my family I like to play tennis, bicycling, hiking. I spend a lot of time in summer gardening with my kids.

Susan, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Susan

Position: Registered Dental Assistant, Assistant to Dr. Don

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care:2011

Service Philosophy: I feel like I have accomplished my goal if a patient walks in very nervous and dreading there appointment and walks out feeling good about their dental experience.

Personal Interests: Hiking is my passion and I try to keep fit by doing hot yoga a couple of times a week.

Jennifer, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Jennifer

Position: Registered Dental Assistant for Dr. Tobin Doty

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2014

Service Philosophy: A patient is more than just teeth. Here at DeerValley their more like family!

Personal Interests: Enjoy the outdoors, swimming, painting, and animals.

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Dental Hygienists

Chona, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Chona

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care:2012

Service Philosophy: I strive for excellence with every patient

Personal Interests: I enjoy outdoor activities with family like tennis, biking sometimes mountain biking and camping in summer time.

Gwen, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Gwen

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care:1999

Service Philosophy: Work with clients to accomplish the desired goal.

Personal Interests: I enjoy reading and love animals. I also enjoy testing my skills in a challenging poker tournament.

Jaz, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Jaz

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2010

Service Philosophy: Knowledge is the key.

Personal Interests: I enjoy spending my time with my cousins and going out and trying new restaurants. I love arts and crafts (a lot of DIY) along with being physically active.

Sue, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Sue

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2003

Service Philosophy: I love being a dental hygienist. I hope that when you leave from an appointment with me that you will understand the importance of oral health and how it plays such a big role in your overall health. I feel I can help patients best when I know as much about them as possible, find out what is important to them, acknowledge their needs and fears. An appointment with me is not just about scraping teeth!! A cleaning may take a number of appointments or be as quick as 20 minutes. Every patient is an individual, every one is different.

Personal Interests: I love my family and try to put them first. However after all these years I am just learning how to take some “me” time. I try to work out at the gym, watch my diet and include something I love for “just me” in my day. I love to read and complete puzzles–any puzzles, logic, suduko, jigsaw, etc. I love to travel! Anywhere warm!! Ask me any questions about Disney vacations or cruising. I have been on a African safari to Kenya and Tanzania….driven across Europe. I love to hear where people originate from—many people are so brave to move to Calgary. I am a second generation Calgarian. I love watching tennis!! My dream is to attend every grand slam event and meet Roger Federer!

Tanya, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Tanya

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2013

Service Philosophy: I strive to use al my knowledge and experience to improve patient’s Oral and Overall Health. Through my practice of Dental Hygiene, I hope to enhance people’s dental experience while providing them with a friendship built upon trust, honesty, and privacy.

Personal Interests: I enjoy reading books, going for bike ride, travelling and spending time with family and friends.

Nosheen, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Nosheen

Position: Registered Dental Hygienist

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2016

Service Philosophy: My favourite thing about being a hygienist is helping my patients improve their dental and overall health.

Personal Interests: Painting, cooking, spending time with friends and family and travelling whenever I get the chance.

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Liucija, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Liucija

Position: Treatment Coordinator for Dr. Waleed Al-Turfi and Dr. Premi

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2015

Service Philosophy: My goal is to provide each patient with high quality customer service. I feel like I can help patients best when I treat them with respect, compassion and understanding. Same way I would treat my family and friends. I work hard to accommodate all of patients’ needs, answer all of their questions and make sure financial part of their treatment is as smooth as possible and with no surprises.

Personal Interests: Books, movies, bicycle riding, badminton, being outdoors…

Joshna, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Joshna

Position: Treatment Coordinator for Dr. Dhanji

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2014

Service Philosophy: Helping patients with insurance, billing, and answering any questions they have. Always be there when patients need help.

Personal Interests: Cooking, reading, and hiking.

Jody, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Jody

Position: Treatment Coordinator for Dr. Salame

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2001

Service Philosophy: I enjoy working in this office and have for many years as we are
an office dedicated to quality patient care.

Helen, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Helen

Position: Treatment Coordinator for Dr. Shwaluk

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2012

Service Philosophy: I am a staff here, and a client at the same time. I try to look at all the services in the eyes of a client whether we are providing satisfactory services to them.

Personal Interests: Cross country skiing, walking, aqua aerobics, arts and crafts.

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Susan, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Susan

Position: Greeter

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2008

Service Philosophy: When patients come in I always greet them with a friendly smile and make them feel as comfortable as possible. I enjoy the interaction I have with our patients, and always make them feel as comfortable as I can and offer coffee and water too, with that friendly smile!

Personal Interests: Long walks, chalk painting, spending time with family and friends, enjoying the great outdoors.

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Reception & Admin

Clair, Deer Valley Dental, Calgary

Name: Clair

Position: Accounts Receivable

Joined Deer Valley Dental Care: 2008

Service Philosophy: Brushing & flossing twice a day helps keep the dental bill at bay.

Personal Interests: Biking & hiking in the summers, reading, gaming. Looking to learn how to play electric guitar & take up boxing.

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